Rep. DeFazio Applauds President's Call to Invest in Nation's Crumbling Infrastructure & Cut Taxes for Middle Class Workers


Date: Jan. 20, 2015
Location: Washington, DC

Rep. Peter DeFazio (OR-04), Ranking Member of the House Transportation & Infrastructure Committee, released the following statement following President Barack Obama's State of the Union address:

"As the president made clear tonight, middle class economics work. It is time to restore the policies that expand opportunity and ensure that every American feels the economic recovery that's been underway the past several years.

"Step one to restoring our middle class is to rebuild our roads, rails, bridges and transit systems. As the Ranking Member of the Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure, I was encouraged to hear the president's call to invest in our infrastructure. I look forward to working with my Republican colleagues, and the Administration, to pass legislation this year that will create good-paying American jobs, drive economic growth, and bring our aging transportation infrastructure into the 21st century.

"Step two is closing tax breaks for the wealthy. For far too long, our country's tax policies have been backward. They penalize those who work hard while rewarding those who simply move money around on Wall Street and gamble with taxpayer money. This is wrong.

"While I appreciate the president's proposals to bolster the middle class through modest tax relief and an affordable college education, I am vehemently opposed to his continued push for yet another job-killing trade deal. The secretive Trans-Pacific Partnership would be a disaster for U.S. jobs, not to mention for the environment, prescription drug prices and worker protections. I have opposed every free trade agreement, including NAFTA, because despite promises to the contrary, they ultimately lead to more jobs shipped overseas."
