Repeal of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act

Floor Speech

Date: Feb. 3, 2015
Location: Washington, DC


Mr. DeSANTIS. Mr. Speaker, my colleagues have demonstrated ably the substantive problems with this law: higher costs, canceled coverage, lost doctors.
I would just like to say that ObamaCare has done harm to republican government properly understood. When you go around the country telling people over and over again that they can keep their plans, that they can keep their doctors, and that they will see thousands of dollars in savings on health insurance premiums, all the while you know--or should have known--that those promises were false, I think that damages our political system because, ultimately, representative government requires honest dialogue between elected officials and the citizenry.

It is almost as if this is the Jonathan Gruber law where we want to tell people lies in order to get bills that we would not have passed otherwise. I think that is unacceptable.

These promises made to the American people were false, the American people were deceived, and I think our representative government and political system have been damaged as a result.

