Key Senate Committee Unanimously Advances Measure to Exempt Vets From ObamaCare Requirement

Press Release

Date: Jan. 29, 2015
Location: Washington, DC

U.S. Senator Pat Toomey (R-Pa.) announced today that the Senate Finance Committee has unanimously approved a bill which further chips away at the president's flawed health care law.

The "Hire More Heroes Act" states that companies which hire veterans who have health insurance through the Department of Veterans Affairs or TRICARE would not be required to include the veteran in the total employee count when determining if the company is subject to the unworkable ObamaCare employer mandate.

"I am happy that we have taken another step toward relieving the burdens on the American people of the President's health care law," said Sen. Toomey. "ObamaCare's employer mandate is doing severe damage to our economy. Unfortunately, as long as President Obama is in the White House full repeal is impossible. Nevertheless, I will doggedly continue to eliminate the most onerous provisions at every turn.

"In this case, the employer mandate is forcing numerous companies in Pennsylvania to cut the hours of many employees and to avoid hiring veterans. The last thing a veteran should have to deal with when looking for a good job are absurd government roadblocks. To that end, I am pleased the members of the Senate Finance Committee, both Republican and Democrat, were able to come together and begin to chip away at the employer mandate and I urge the Senate to take up this bill in short order."

Sen. Toomey is intent on repealing the most onerous sections of ObamaCare and the advancement of the "Hire More Heroes Act" is yet another step in the right direction. Late last year, legislation was enacted which exempts expatriate Americans from ObamCare, saves taxpayers from having to bail out health insurers, and reduces funding for the ObamaCare bureaucracy empowered to ration health care services.
