Congressman Messer votes to protect American workers and restore the 40-hour workweek

Press Release

Date: Jan. 8, 2015
Location: Washington, DC

Today, Congressman Luke Messer voted to pass H.R. 30, the Save American Workers (SAW) Act. This legislation, authored by Congressman Todd Young (IN-09), repeals the 30-hour definition of "full-time employment" under the President's health care law and it restores the traditional 40-hour definition.

"It's impossible to fix a bad law," said Congressman Luke Messer. "Obamacare needs to be repealed and replaced. But, until that happens I'm proud to support common-sense legislation like the SAW Act which protects employers and employees from the President's broken health care law."

Last Congress, Rep. Messer held an Education and the Workforce subcommittee field hearing in Greenfield on the effects of the President's health care law on Indiana school systems and small businesses. He and his committee colleagues heard from local school superintendents and entrepreneurs about the impacts of the President's health care law on their employees and their cash-strapped budgets.

"Some of the hardest working Hoosiers in our state like school aides, bus drivers and hospitality workers saw their paychecks shrink because of the President's health care law," said Congressman Luke Messer. "Rep. Young's bill fixes that. Restoring the 40-hour work week gives employers in our state the freedom to expand their employees' hours without facing the unaffordable penalties levied by Obamacare. And, that means more take home pay for hardworking Hoosiers. I urge my colleagues in the Senate to act quickly to get this bill to the President's desk."

The SAW Act passed with bipartisan support in the House of Representatives by a vote of 252-172.
