Iowa Congressman David Young's Reaction to the State of the Union

Press Release

Date: Jan. 20, 2015
Location: Washington, DC

Congressman David Young of Iowa's Third District released the following statement on President Obama's State of the Union address, calling on the President to put aside his differences and work with Congress to spur economic growth and create jobs for the American people.

Congressman Young said, "The President is intent on playing politics in his final two years in office rather than working with Congress to find solutions. Like many Iowans, I am deeply disappointed. He needs to roll up his sleeves and get to work on behalf of the country. We know there is common ground between the two parties. The House has already passed bipartisan bills to expand domestic energy infrastructure, rein in out of control regulations, and save certain workers who have seen their hours slashed because of Obamacare. I hoped the President would have focused on these areas to grow the economy and wages for our hardworking families. Instead, we heard the same calls to raise taxes and increase spending that we have heard for the past six years."

Young continued, "I believe Iowa's Third District sent me to Washington to work with my colleagues to find solutions. Iowans work together every day, Americans work together every day, and I believe the President can and should work together with Congress to help move the country forward."
