Statement of Senator Coons on resignation of USAID head Raj Shah


Date: Dec. 17, 2014
Location: Wilmington, DE

U.S. Senator Chris Coons (D-Del.), chair of the Senate Foreign Relations Subcommittee on African Affairs, released the following statement Wednesday on USAID Administrator Rajiv Shah's resignation:

"For five years, Raj Shah's energy and commitment to innovation have helped millions around the world and truly brought American aid into the 21st century. His service harnessed a keen intellect and tireless work ethic with a deep passion for tackling injustice, poverty, and inequities in the developing world. Raj's values are rooted in a strong spiritual foundation and a commitment to caring for others. He has done difficult and groundbreaking work to modernize America's global development programs, and millions of people worldwide have benefitted from his vision and leadership.

"From Feed the Future, which has helped feed 12.5 million children, to Power Africa, which promises to transform the continent's energy landscape, Raj has brought fresh thinking and built real partnerships with citizens around the globe. The Global Development Lab is an especially important part of his legacy of innovation, engaging the world's biggest thinkers to shift paradigms and change lives.

"Raj Shah has been an inspiring example of the good that can come from thinking outside of the box, always striving to do more, and relentlessly trying to make a difference. He is a friend, and while I'll be very sorry to see him leave USAID, I'm excited to see what he does next."
