Hatch Welcomes Title Transfer of the Strawberry Valley Project Electric Distribution System

Press Release

Date: Dec. 4, 2014
Location: Washington, DC

Senator Orrin Hatch, R-Utah, the most senior Republican in the United States Senate, issued the following statement regarding the title transfer of the Strawberry Valley Project electric distribution system from the federal government to the South Utah Valley Electric Service District:

"I am pleased we have reached the final step in transferring this important piece of land from the federal government to the SESD. I commend my colleagues in the Utah delegation, particularly Representative Chaffetz, for their efforts throughout the long process on this project. This title transfer will grant authority to local leaders that are already managing these assets, rather than federal bureaucrats. Those on the ground will be able to run the system in a way that's best for local power users. This is an important victory for South Utah County and for the State of Utah."

Senator Hatch has been actively involved with the South Utah Valley Electric Service District issue, having sponsored the Senate version of the bill in 2010 and 2012, and seen it through to President Obama's desk to sign last July.
