Scalise: Respect the Rule of Law


Date: Dec. 4, 2014
Location: Washington, DC

House Majority Whip Steve Scalise (R-La.) issued the following statement regarding House passage of H.R. 5759, the Preventing Overreach on Immigration Act.

"As the great-grandson of an Italian immigrant, I'm proud that America is a nation of immigrants. However, we are also a nation of laws," Rep. Scalise said. "President Obama has repeatedly shown his disregard for the Constitution and this nation's rule of law by attempting to legislate from the Oval Office. Today's vote re-establishes the rule of law and stops the president's lawless, unconstitutional executive action from going into effect. The American people spoke loud and clear in the November elections. They want a Washington that works together on their behalf, not a go-it-alone president governing by executive fiat. I urge the president to focus on securing the border, enforcing the laws on the books, and working with us in Congress to fix our broken immigration system. I would like to thank Rep. Yoho for introducing this critical legislation and for his leadership in Congress on this issue.

"I also want to commend Louisiana and the 16 other states that filed suit against the Obama Administration yesterday for the president's most recent lawless actions on immigration. The states, especially those in the South, are on the front lines of our broken immigration system, and the president's continued refusal to enforce the law will only exacerbate our border security crisis. Today, the House joined the states' efforts in opposition to this executive overreach by passing legislation to reinforce the fact that the president does not have the authority to take these actions. I urge the Senate to immediately follow the House's lead and send this legislation to the president's desk."
