Menendez Statement on Keystone Pipeline


Date: Nov. 18, 2014
Location: Washington, DC
Issues: Oil and Gas

U.S. Senator Robert Menendez issued the following statement after voting against the Keystone pipeline bill, S. 2280:

"The rewards of moving forward with Keystone XL simply do not outweigh the risks. It is a bad idea that could be devastating to the environment and simply does not deliver long-term jobs or benefits for the American consumer.

"Further, the oil pumped through the Keystone pipeline is for export. If all we're going to do is be a pipeline for Canada to sell its energy globally, I don't know why in fact that makes sense. This is just another empty handout to Big Oil with no significant benefit to the American people.

"I firmly believe creating good-paying jobs is a top priority, but the Keystone pipeline is not the answer. We need to invest in repairing and upgrading America's aging and crumbling infrastructure, and incentivize clean energy--policies that will create millions of good jobs for decades to come."
