Portman Calls Keystone XL Pipeline a "No-Brainer" on MSNBC's Morning Joe

Press Release

Date: Nov. 19, 2014
Location: Washington, DC

This morning, U.S. Senator Rob Portman (R-Ohio) appeared on MSNBC's Morning Joe and expressed disappointment with Senate Democrats over their choice to block passage of legislation approving the Keystone XL pipeline. Portman also discussed the need for the President to work with Congress on immigration reform, including the need for stronger enforcement measures.

Excerpts are below.

"I wish we passed Keystone last night. I do think it's a no-brainer, I really do. It adds jobs, as the Ambassador was talking about. It is better for the environment than trucks and trains.

"We have a huge opportunity in this country to be more efficient, so not just to produce more energy, which I'm for, but also to use it more efficiently and create more jobs and also help on the environment.

"[Keystone XL] is the right thing to do. What we ought to be focused on is how to get wages up, get benefits up, get jobs, and this does it. It's not just the immediate jobs…But it's manufacturing jobs in my home state of Ohio. And it is more jobs in refinery and it's a lot more oil from the Bakken, which is in North Dakota."
