Shuster Selected to Return as Transportation and Infrastructure Committee Chairman

Press Release

Date: Nov. 19, 2014
Location: Washington, DC

U.S. Rep. Bill Shuster (R-PA) was selected today by the House Republican Conference to serve again as Chairman of the U.S. House Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure, one of the largest committees in Congress.

"I am honored that my colleagues have selected me to return as Chairman of the Transportation and Infrastructure Committee for the 114th Congress," Shuster said. "During the last two years, this committee worked in an inclusive manner to develop and pass initiatives to strengthen America's infrastructure, improve our competitiveness, and help provide a sounder footing for economic growth and job creation. I look forward to building upon our previous successes and continuing our work to reform federal programs, cut red tape, reduce regulatory burdens on our businesses and families, and promote greater transparency and fiscal responsibility."

"Bill Shuster is an effective committee leader and legislator, and his ability to build consensus and get things done for the good of our country's infrastructure and the American people will be critical to our work in Congress the next two years," said Speaker of the House John Boehner (R-OH).

Chairman Shuster today also released a summary of the Transportation and Infrastructure Committee's accomplishments of the past Congress. "Over the last two years, the Committee recorded a number of achievements, including laws such as the Water Resources Reform and Development Act, the Highway and Transportation Funding Act, and the Sandy Recovery Improvement Act, and we're continuing to work into the final days of the 113th Congress," Shuster said. "In the next Congress, the Committee has more important work ahead of it, such as critical reauthorizations of surface transportation, aviation, and passenger rail programs. Working together, we can continue to improve our infrastructure and modernize our economically vital transportation network."
