Gingrey supports Bush's State of the Union priorities

Date: Feb. 2, 2005
Location: Washington, DC

Gingrey supports Bush's State of the Union priorities

U.S. Congressman Phil Gingrey (GA-11) made the follow remarks tonight following President Bush's State of the Union Address:

"I was very encouraged by the President's remarks this evening. He presented a clear vision for the next four years, both domestically and in foreign affairs. I join President Bush in his commitment to the enduring values that make America strong.

"I was especially encouraged by the President's remarks on Social Security. The Social Security system was designed for the needs of a different era, and it has to be fixed for the 21st century. I look forward to hearing from my constituents on this issue, because there are many options to weigh. However, like the President said, I'll only support Social Security reform that ensures today's retirees and near retirees get the full benefits they've been promised, and that won't raise payroll taxes on American workers.

"If we don't act now, today's 20-year olds won't have Social Security around when they retire. I like the idea of optional personalized accounts. These accounts would give younger workers ownership over a portion of their Social Security money, and would strengthen the program for future generations.

"I agree with the importance President Bush placed on Iraqi elections that took place earlier this week. These elections mark a turning point in the lives of the Iraqi people. Together with the recent elections in Afghanistan, they also pave a brave new path of freedom for the world.

"President Bush touched on many other issues that are important to my constituents. When he spoke of increasing access to quality healthcare, we heard applause from both sides of the aisle. This is clearly an issue that resonates with the American people, and as a physician, it's one that's close to my heart as well. I support the Associate Health Plans, Health Savings Accounts, and community health centers the President praised.

"Finally, I'd like to commend President Bush on making the case for bipartisan support on all these issues. The things he discussed - strengthening Social Security, making America safer, celebrating freedom - aren't Republican or Democratic issues, they're American issues.

"I believe the President's optimism is contagious, and tonight he motivated the American people to work toward a safer, stronger America. I'm proud to join him in that work, and I know the people in Georgia's 11th District will benefit from it.
