Gov. Rick Snyder: Senate Action a Good Step Toward a Comprehensive, Sustainable Road Improvement Plan


Date: Nov. 13, 2014
Location: Lansing, MI

Gov. Rick Snyder issued the following statement today after the state Senate voted on legislation to improve Michigan's infrastructure.

"I commend the state Senate for its bipartisan action today and remain committed to working with our partners in the Legislature on comprehensive solutions to Michigan's infrastructure needs.

"We've heard from people across our state. Michigan needs to invest in modern, well-maintained roads to keep our state moving forward. The snow falling across our state this week is a reminder of the struggles of last year's pothole season and the aging bridges crossed by thousands of residents every day.

"Michiganders want to see a sustainable, long-term approach to our transportation needs. It's essential for boosting our state's economy, creating jobs, improving our quality of life and the safety of our residents and visitors. These steps are to make Michigan better and stronger. We have more to do.

"I appreciate the leadership of Majority Leader Randy Richardville and Sen. Arlan Meekhof and Minority Leader Gretchen Whitmer and Sen. Jim Ananich on this issue. Detroit Mayor Mike Duggan and the business and labor community also showed great support. I urge the state House of Representatives to take action so we can start with this long overdue work on Michigan's infrastructure.
