Bill Johnson Statement on Veterans Day 2014


Date: Nov. 11, 2014
Location: Marietta, OH
Issues: Veterans

Throughout our history, America has been defended by brave citizen soldiers who've willingly and selflessly given so much on our behalf -- our veterans. America remains the greatest nation on earth because of the men and women who have served, and those who are serving today -- defending freedom across the globe.

As a veteran with over 26 years of service in the United States Air Force, ensuring that veterans across Eastern and Southeastern Ohio and across our country continue to receive the care and benefits they have earned remains one of my top priorities. Our veterans deserve an efficient, and effective, Veterans Administration (VA) to serve them. Our heroes are worthy of far better than a tedious claim and appeal system that crawls through a bureaucratic maze of red-tape. This is unacceptable, and it dishonors those who have done so much for us. This must be fixed, and it should be done now.

On this 61st Veterans Day, let us pledge to get this right. America faces many challenges both at home and abroad, but none are more important than making sure those who were willing to make the ultimate sacrifice to defend our freedoms are cared for when their service ends. Our veterans deserve no less.
