Udall on Re-Elction to U.S. Senate: We Will Work Together to Move New Mexico Forward


Tom Udall released the following statement on his re-election to the U.S. Senate:

"I'm very grateful to the many volunteers, supporters, and especially the voters who sent a powerful message tonight that we can work together to lift up all New Mexico families.

"For me, this election has been about one thing: Fighting to move our state forward. I get up every morning ready to do what's right for New Mexico -- to grow our economy, make a better future for our children, ensure everyone has a fair shot at getting ahead.

"My dad used to say: Get it done, but get it done right. And we are getting it done -- for our families, for our veterans, seniors and women. We're fighting to support our national labs and military bases and the small businesses that rely on them, to raise the minimum wage, ensure women get equal pay for equal work, protect Social Security and Medicare, fix our broken immigration system, and take smart steps to ensure we have clean air and water for our children and grandchildren.

"As I listen to New Mexicans, it's very clear that we face great challenges. But there are also great opportunities ahead, and together we can realize New Mexico's potential."
