Vote for positive change, not the same Labrador games


Date: Oct. 31, 2014

In the past month, the Idaho Statesman endorsed Raul Labrador's Congressional Candidacy for reasons I would call into question. My response was published in the Statesman. My supporters have urged me to distribute my comments widely throughout congressional district 1.

With an election looming, it is not surprising to see an effort to patch up this politician's image. A common tactic is to dress up a weakness as a strength. So it is with the Statesman's claim that Labrador "is a champion when it comes to casework on behalf of his constituents." I actively reviewed the Congressman's performance before deciding to challenge him and found that many of his constituents were appalled that his actions reflect blatant disregard for their interests. Women know that he voted against reauthorization of the Violence Against Women Act. Veterans know he was the lone vote against their 2015 budget. Idaho farmers and minimum wage workers know he held up support for the Farm Bill because cuts in the food stamp program weren't sufficiently deep. Engineers and their families know that he put Idaho jobs at INL in jeopardy by voting to shut down the government and cut support for research and environmental cleanup. Everybody knows Labrador voted against extending the expenditure authority of the Highway Trust Fund even though we rely heavily upon this funding for highway construction and repairs.

That is not the end of the list. He was a principle in shutting down the government and then refused to support actions that would allow the federal workers to recover their lost pay. His stated support of the Paul Ryan budget shows a willingness to reduce funding for Head Start and Pell Grants. When a constituent traveled to D.C. to promote diabetes research, the Congressman, after waiting 5 months, denied support and said "there needs to be a balance between the needs of our people and the nation's economic responsibilities."

One might see why many are shocked that the Statesman deems Labrador a "champion of his constituents." When constituents with genuine concerns get responses months after they contact his offices, Labrador seems less like a champion and more like a person with other priorities.

For fourteen years, I served in Idaho's legislature in the minority party. That is a significant challenge, only to be endured by those with strong political will. My constituent service has been recognized -- from helping people with special challenges obtain government services they require to suing the Idaho Tax Commission to obtain fair treatment for everybody. Despite opposition from then Representative Labrador, I sponsored and passed legislation protecting victims of domestic violence. I have shown the skill to merit special recognition from constituent groups. I want to take these assets to Congress. I have a vision for Idaho that improves lives, provides good jobs, and repairs our national reputation. Instead of being on television bashing the other party I will be at the table working on issues that matter to Idahoans by providing bipartisan solutions. The evidence is clear -- Labrador does not deserve another term.
