Disrespect and Dishonor


Date: Oct. 27, 2014

Fellow Americans,

We, the citizens of the United States, are the recipients of freedom and a way of life defined in the our Constitution. This blessed gift is given to us and is safeguarded for us, by the many Patriots and Fallen Heroes who have fought and died for this treasure, and those in our military who currently serve and those who have been irreparably injured and scarred for what has been passed to us. We acknowledge this gift though the VOTE, and pay our respect and homage by casting our ballot.

As Americans, it is our responsibility to be informed and "Vote with an Informed Conscience". Any organization, which interferes or impedes the equal presentation of information on candidates to the voting public is acting with disrespect and dishonor to the principles of our country, and is dishonoring the veteran and patriots who died and suffered for this gift, the vote. This includes any action, which distorts information on the candidates or selectively withholds information on any of the candidates. Yet, this seems to be the norm as the dirty business of politics is applied. Strip away the excuses and let common sense and logic prevail. I should also note that I am an Independent-NPA (No Political Affliation), retired military and a decorated, combat Vietnam Veteran competing for U.S. Representative Florida Congressional District 9 and I feel victimized as an Independent. This should be a voting process to select the most qualified person to accomplish the job and should not be a competition between parties to see which prevails. The everyday working people are sick and tired of this competition, bickering and mud-slinging between the major parties.

I believe that the prejudicial media is one of the things that is wrong in the American political system. Blatant manipulation of information being provided to the American public about the candidates is, in effect, trying to influence the outcome of the election. I believe it is essential for America to have "INFORMED VOTERS". In my opinion, this should be a priority of any news media -- to provide objective, information to the American public. When it is not, and other motives by the media dictate what information is provided and what information is "overlooked", this is WRONG. Honor and integrity should be intrinsic for all the media and all the candidates -- unfortunately, it is not. This is one reason why the American Public is sick and tired and angry with the process. I know, because I talk to a lot of the public, as one of "We The People", many of whom are my endorsers.

Therefore, I unequivocally state that to manipulate or withhold information on any of the candidates to the public is un-American and is a direct dishonor to the veterans who have valiantly served and died for the gift to us -- the vote.

Lest any think I am talking in suppositions and possibilities, the answer is no. A major local newspaper, while showing the pictures of the two major party candidates, did not include my picture until I complained in several emails over a period of weeks -- lost visibility to the public. Then, when the newspaper endorsed one candidate and discussed the other, my name was not mentioned once -- it was if I did not exist. Decide for yourself if this was information manipulation. This is not the only case. Another newspaper mentioned my name but did not include my picture, although the pictures of the candidates for the two major parties were proximately displayed.

While there were attestations of supporting veterans, I say that if they do not exercise equality in the presentation of information about the candidates, this is a de facto dishonor and disrespect to the veterans, patriots and fallen heroes of our great country.

So, what can be done. The only option remaining is for each voter to seize the initiative and independently vet each of the candidates, which is difficult since most of the information is supplied by the media. I suggest looking at the candidate's responses to questionnaires and to look at the website for each candidate, which they have unequivocal responsibility -- then vote your conscience. Good Luck.

