Rep. Grimm Issues Statement on Reluctant Vote to Authorize Support for Anti-ISIL Forces in Syria

Press Release

Date: Sept. 17, 2014
Location: Washington, DC
Issues: Defense

TODAY, September 17, 2014, Rep. Michael G. Grimm (R,C,I-NY) issued the following statement on his reluctant vote in favor of an amendment to H.J.Res. 124 authorizing support -- including training, weapons, and equipment -- to moderate forces in the Free Syrian Army (FSA) currently resisting the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) in the region:

"There's no doubt that ISIL poses a greater threat to American safety than any terrorist group we have ever seen, and this vote lends some immediate support to the only force, albeit imperfect, resisting ISIL in Syria," Rep. Grimm said. "Taking no action, and allowing ISIL to expand unchecked is simply not an option, however the President's proposal is a small piece of a flawed and incomplete strategy to deal with this extreme threat," Rep. Grimm continued.

Rep. Grimm outlined three key reasons why the President's approach to ISIL is likely to fail:

1) Betting on the FSA has the same odds of success as a coin flip at best:

"Using the FSA as a proxy ground force has a serious risk of backfiring, with American weapons ending up in the hands of ISIL. Furthermore, it's unrealistic to believe that we can train and equip enough rebels in the time needed to actually be effective in destroying ISIL, even with U.S. air support," Rep. Grimm said.

2) The President has failed to secure the support of an international coalition to defeat ISIL:

"The "international coalition' that the President promised simply hasn't materialized, and that's a direct result of his failed foreign policy and utter lack of credibility among our allies," Rep. Grimm went on to say.

3) The President's disregard for the advice of U.S. military leaders is a dangerous mistake:

Rep. Grimm concluded, "The President still continues to disregard the advice of our military leaders who have and continue to ask for more resources and commitment to securing victory. Bottom line: the President appears to lack the will and conviction to get the job done."

Rep. Michael G. Grimm (NY-11), a Marine combat veteran of the Gulf War, represents Staten Island and parts of southern Brooklyn in the U.S. House of Representatives.
