Letter to Barack Obama, President of the United States - Demanding Aggressive Action on Ebola


Date: Oct. 16, 2014
Location: Washington, DC

October 16, 2014

The President
The White House

Dear Mr. President:

After initial decisive action from the Administration to support efforts to contain Ebola on the ground in Western Africa, the American public is losing confidence in our nation's ability to control this situation. Now that Ebola has been contracted in our country, I believe the Administration should take the following actions to restore confidence and stop the spread of the virus.

Without further delay, I believe we should impose a travel ban to and from impacted areas. This should be based on sound science and still allow for personnel essential to containing this outbreak: military, relief staff, health care workers, and the like.

Additionally, a singular cross-agency point person on the Ebola crisis with impeccable management and public health expertise would improve coordination, communication, and oversight across the multifaceted American response to this complex situation. Further, the two Ebola cases contracted in America dramatically underscore the need for a Surgeon General, and I hope that Dr. Vivek Murthy is confirmed by the Senate without further delay.

Finally, I believe the Administration should announce an investigation into what went wrong in Dallas. A full accounting of failures to follow protocol and failures of the protocol itself would significantly reduce the risk of preventable infections. Our heroic health care workers, specifically the nurses on the front line of containing the disease and treating the sick, deserve the best training, equipment, and resources. Anything less will continue to exacerbate what we face.

My constituents' hearts and prayers go out to all who are impacted by this disease and their families. I know you share my belief that the heartbreaking humanitarian crisis in Western Africa must not become a public health crisis in America. I am confident that our nation's resolve will sustain throughout this, and I stand ready to support decisive actions that will protect American lives and stop the spread of Ebola.


Patrick E. Murphy
