Rep. Mike Thompson Announces $90,000 FAA Safety Grant for Napa County Airport

Press Release

Date: Sept. 24, 2014
Location: Washington, DC

U.S. Rep. Mike Thompson (CA-5) today announced a $90,000 Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) safety grant for Napa County Airport. The funds will be used for wildlife hazard assessments. Monthly studies will be conducted to identify if wildlife species present potential safety hazards for planes flying in and out of the airport.

"Safety is our number one priority," said Thompson. "I am proud that Napa County Airport was chosen for this wildlife hazard study. The information we learn will help make air travel safer here, and at other airports around our country."

"Napa County Airport is happy to participate in this FAA study," said Airport Manager Martin Phel. "We look forward to seeing the results and providing the FAA with important safety information."

The airport will hire a biologist to conduct a survey once a month for a year on public lands surrounding the airport. The biologist will attempt to identify any wildlife species, access numbers, locations, movements that could present a wildlife hazard for planes flying in and out of the airport. Final results will be reported back to the FAA.
