Maloney Applauds Governor Cuomo and SUNY Board for New Policy to Combat Campus Sexual Assault


Date: Oct. 3, 2014
Location: Washington, DC

Congresswoman Carolyn B. Maloney (NY-12) today released the following statement applauding Governor Cuomo and the State University of New York (SUNY) Board of Trustees on adopting a resolution to implement a comprehensive, system-wide and uniform set of practices to combat sexual assaults on SUNY campuses.

"I applaud Governor Cuomo and the SUNY Board of Trustees for making an aggressive effort to address sexual assault on college campuses in New York. As one of the nation's largest public university systems, SUNY is setting an example that other states can and should follow.

"With Linda Fairstein at the helm, we can be sure that this policy will be implemented in a way that will maximize its impact. I can think of no other person who is better equipped to carry out this important policy than she.

"I am hopeful that Congress will address this issue on a national level by taking up the Campus Accountability and Safety Act, which I introduced in the House.

"We have to do more to prevent sexual assaults, empower survivors and ensure that academic institutions are responsive to the needs of students."
