Statement of Senator Coons on Proposed Net Neutrality Rules


Date: Sept. 17, 2014
Location: Washington, DC

U.S. Senator Chris Coons (D-Del.), a member of the Senate Judiciary Committee, issued the following statement on Wednesday about new rules being considered by the Federal Communications Commission to limit the ability of Internet service providers to throttle the Internet bandwidth provided based on the source of the content. "Net neutrality" is a principle aimed at forcing Internet service providers to treat all content equally.

"It is hard to capture in a succinct way how profoundly the Internet -- still in its relative infancy -- has changed our lives and the world in which we live. Its ability to fuel innovation, empower new voices, and connect us to one another has had extraordinary consequences for political, economic, and social institutions around the globe. As we move forward, it is absolutely critical that we craft rules and policies that maintain the web as a democratizing force, open to innovation on a level-playing field that favors neither the wealthy nor the politically well-connected and that retains equal access to online content.

"Today the Judiciary Committee held a hearing on the FCC's path forward as it seeks to write and enforce new net neutrality rules. I strongly support rules to keep the web open and free. New rules should include an anti-blocking rule and prevent discrimination so service providers cannot censor or slow down information on the web. We should work to ensure networks can be managed without unnecessary burdens and that new, innovative delivery methods can flourish without harming access. Lastly, the FCC's new rules should be clear and simple. As we move forward to ensure an open and free Internet, I hope the FCC will review every option at its disposal to find the best solution."
