3 Reasons Why It's Time to Term Limit Tim Relating to the Economy and Jobs, Part 3

Press Release

Senator Lee Zeldin, Republican and Conservative Party candidate for Congress in New York's First Congressional District, released the third of a three part series this week on three reasons why it's time to Term Limit Tim relating to the economy and jobs. Today's statement follows the release of his opponent's newest television ad, which again illustrates the concerning tactic of talking up public sector jobs with eerie silence regarding the fiscal challenges of Long Island businesses.

"One of the most serious issues our community faces is the loss of good paying private sector jobs. Long Island businesses are closing, moving or not hiring. While ignoring the fact that hundreds of thousands of private sector jobs on Long Island have been lost while he has been Congressman, my opponent has been sharpening his campaign theme that all federal employees should be thanking him for their job.

One of the most important ways we can grow our economy is through the private sector creating more good paying jobs. We need a Congressman in office who will work to improve the business climate by fighting against burdensome tax rates and job killing regulations.

As a State Senator, I was proud to lead the fight to repeal the MTA Payroll Tax for 80 percent of employers. I co-sponsored the nation's strongest property tax cap, reduced the 18-a energy surcharge, cut the corporate income tax rate, eliminated the manufacturers corporate income tax, and helped pass four consecutive on-time balanced state budgets. All of this was done by working as a problem solver with colleagues and leadership on both sides of the aisle in the legislative and executive branches.

In Washington, the incumbent Congressman has been a partisan backbencher whose voice has had more of a negative than positive impact on Long Island's private sector. The federal government has passed one budget since 2007 and numerous tax increases and fees, burdensome regulations, and missed opportunities to reduce health care costs and energy costs.

We cannot change Washington, if we don't change who we send there to represent us. While my opponent carts out federal employees to thank him for their job, so many of his constituents are ignored, either unemployed, underemployed or leaving Long Island altogether. It's time to Term Limit Tim."
