Zeldin Clear Winner at First Congressional Debate

Press Release

Senator Lee Zeldin, Republican and Conservative Party candidate for Congress in New York's First Congressional District, participated in yesterday's first of many Congressional debates against his opponent, incumbent Congressman Tim Bishop.

The candidates were asked questions on a variety of important topics, including the high cost of living on Long Island, the economy and jobs, Obamacare, the growing threat in the Middle East and Term Limits.

Senator Zeldin focused his debate on his main campaign issues, talking about his five-point plan that he believes will move our country forward:

-Growing our economy and creating good paying private sector jobs;

-Fighting for our Veterans who have fought for us;

-Securing America's interests at our border and abroad;

-Repealing and replacing Obamacare; and

-Fighting for higher standards in our schools knowing that Common Core is not the answer.

Senator Zeldin pointed out the clear contrast in his views when compared to his opponent. "This race gives you a clear choice between a problem solver and a back bencher." Zeldin continued, "If you support the Obama/Pelosi/Bishop agenda, then maybe you should vote for my opponent, but if you want a new direction for America, if you believe our country is not headed in the right direction, I ask for your support. 12 years is enough. It's time to Term Limit Tim."

Senator Zeldin concluded the debate pointing out that we cannot change Washington unless we change the people we send there to represent us.

The debate was hosted by the Hampton Bays Civic Association and was held at the Hampton Bays High School Auditorium. The next debate will be held on October 8th, in Riverhead.
