3 Fresh Border Security Reminders Why It's Time to Term Limit Tim, Part 2

Press Release

Senator Lee M. Zeldin, Republican and Conservative Party candidate for Congress in New York's First Congressional District, today released the second of a three part series of statements this week on three fresh border security reminders why it's time to Term Limit Tim:"The Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS) continues to grow and advance becoming a bigger threat every day to not only the Middle East, but the United States as well. Just yesterday, ISIS beheaded another American journalist. With the anniversary of September 11th quickly approaching, it's frightening that the United States is still left vulnerable with weakened border security, especially since the Department of Homeland Security has reason to believe ISIS may be plotting an attack on the United States through our Southern border.

If the surge of unaccompanied immigrant children at our border wasn't enough for Congress to act, I hope the serious potential threat of terrorist entry will prompt swift action. To adequately protect our great nation and its citizens from terrorist activity, we must do a much better job securing the entry process into America.

As the partisan bickering in Washington continues, Americans are left vulnerable. Border security shouldn't be a party issue. Politics must be set aside so that we can finally secure the border and protect our country. The President has a proposal. Senate Democrats have a proposal. House Republicans have a proposal. All sides must sit down at a table immediately and hammer out an agreement to pass when Congress gets back into session next week.

We need a leader in Washington who will speak up and call for action on important issues, instead of blaming the other party for inaction. After 12 years in office, my opponent has become part of the D.C. dysfunction, reminding us that the only way we can change Washington is by changing the people we send there. Voters are tired of the way our representatives are failing to represent us and that's an important reason why I'm running for Congress. It's time for a stronger voice and a fresh perspective, someone who is willing to stand up for the security and safety of the American people. It's time to term limit Tim.
