Pam Byrnes Celebrates Anniversary of Violence Against Women; Congressman Walberg Fails to Protect Michigan Women and Families:

Press Release

Pam Byrnes made the following statement on the 20th Anniversary of the Violence Against Women Act:

Today we celebrate the passing of this landmark, bipartisan legislation that was a milestone in keeping women and families safe from domestic violence.

Having worked in family law, I saw firsthand the pain and terror of violence in the home and the destruction it causes to the whole family, which is why I'm so frustrated and disappointed by Congressman Walberg's record of failure.

Congressman Walberg's irresponsible policies pose a danger to Michigan women. He voted against the Violence Against Women Act because he doesn't believe all women deserve protection from violence.

As a mother and grandmother, I promise to keep all Michigan families safe.

About Pam: Pam Byrnes is a mother, lawyer, and small businessperson who has lived and worked in our community for nearly 40 years helping Michigan families. As a State Representative, she built a reputation as an independent reformer with common sense solutions.
