Issue Position: Medical Malpractice

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 1, 2014

James believes a patient should inform themselves of the many dangers in medical treatments and that if the risks of certain treatments and doctors are worth the possibility of damages to themselves. In a society where one is free to try to help others obtain maximum health, a doctor should not have their hands tied when wanting to offer treatment, and a patient should feel safe to make the decisions to treat themselves. If a patient were to experience a negative outcome in association with the medical procedure or treatment, he or she would should seek compensation through binding arbitration, and through funding given back by malpractice standards once proven by a jury. James believes, that should be the procedure rather than through a medical malpractice trial before a jury. If a doctor does not want to carry medical malpractice insurance, then the practitioner, doctor, or self proclaimed medical provider of any field should only need to give the patient a form stating the experience of the treating practitioner, and that the providing practitioner does not carry medical malpractice insurance, and that the patient getting treatment is at their own risk. James believes all medicine is a practice, and one should not need a regulated degree to treat patients. It should be in the hands of the patient to decide who treats them.
