MSNBC "The Rachel Maddow Show" - Transcript: New Jersey Port Authority Scandal


Date: Sept. 10, 2014
Issues: Defense


MITCHELL: Thank you very much.

Senator John McCain is about to join us, Rachel. And he, as you know, has been critical. He, Lindsey Graham, other Republicans, but also some Democrats. We heard already from Senator Dianne Feinstein, who two weeks ago on "Meet the Press" said that the president has been overly cautious to me, and just issued a statement saying that she thought he got it right.John McCain now joins us.

Senator, what is your reaction to the president`s speech? Did he say enough? Did he go far enough to satisfy you and others who have said he`s not done enough in the last three years?

SEN. JOHN MCCAIN (R), ARIZONA: Well, clearly, I don`t think that the president clearly understands the nature of the threat. He compares ISIS with Yemen and Somalia. But ISIS is well armed, rich, they are -- they have a huge control of areas as large as the state of Indiana. Obviously, he doesn`t understand the nature of the threat.

His statement that America is safer -- that`s fundamentally false under any circumstances. And he failed to acknowledge, which he should have, that our withdrawal from all of our troops from Iraq was a major contributor to the situation we`re in today. I also would like to see what we`re going to do as far as support for the Free Syrian Army.

MITCHELL: We have Secretary Kerry is going to be in Saudi Arabia tomorrow. There is an agreement from the Saudis today that they will create bases or permit the Free Syrian Army to train and Americans will be training them.

But can we degrade and destroy is with air power alone and without boots on the ground?

MCCAIN: I don`t believe so. In fact, I think we need to have other countries be more helpful. But we do have to have -- we have 1,000 boots on the ground now. He`s going to send another 435 boots on the ground. They`re in a combat situation. To say they`re not is obviously untrue.

But we need more American support, whether it be air controllers, whether it be trainers, whether it be other intelligence capabilities, the kind we should have left behind as a residual force when we left three years ago.

I still believe that one of the biggest mistakes that`s ever been made is when the president overruled his entire national security team who recommended strongly that they arm and train the Free Syrian Army. Now, it`s going to be a lot tougher.

MITCHELL: Senator, does Congress have to vote on this? Or can the president do it on his own? Should Congress vote on this?

MCCAIN: Andrea, I think that the Congress should vote on it. And I do believe that just as President Clinton before Bosnia came to the Congress, George Herbert Walker Bush before Desert Storm. It`s better to have the support of the Congress, therefore getting the support of the American people.

So, I don`t know why he is reluctant to do that. I think it would be helpful to him in the long run.

MITCHELL: But isn`t there reluctance from Congress from both parties saying basically don`t ask us because we don`t want the responsibility? Why aren`t Democrats and Republicans coming together and debating and scheduling votes?

MCCAIN: We should be, Andrea. To say that we don`t want to make a decision, we`re literally the security of the United States of America is involved, because I believe that ISIS -- there`s clear evidence that their goal is to harm America, I think it`s an abrogation of our responsibilities to our constituents. And I don`t quite understand it.

I`m willing to go out there and debate and vote. That`s what the Senate is supposed to be all about.

MITCHELL: Thank you very much, Senator John McCain. Thank you for joining us. Rachel?

MCCAIN: Thank you, Andrea.

