Issue Position: Education Reform and School Choice...A Plan for 2013 Not 1930

Issue Position

In Congress I will fight to:

* Ensure there is one goal: the best education possible for all children
* Put parents and teachers and principals, not Washington, in charge
* Provide school choice for students in failing schools

Let's be clear about a few things: 1) the Federal Education Complex is a multi-billion dollar debacle that has led to sub-optimal results for many of our students over the last 20 years; 2) there are more good, honest, hardworking, and dedicated teachers in the profession than there are bad apples; 3) we must incorporate innovation and technology into the classroom; 4) this is not 1930 nor are we just entering the industrial revolution; and 5) we are in a global race for jobs, improving our standard of living, and being able to spread our values.
For the U.S. to continue to thrive, it is essential that we transform our education system by truly allowing the states to reform our schools. Our education systems need to provide multiple tracks for hard-working students to succeed. This includes college and graduate school, as well as trade schools.
