Issue Position: Government Integrity

Issue Position

A culture of cynicism and politics-as-usual have too often jeopardized Rhode Island's reputation as a place to do business, raise a family, and enjoy a high quality of life. Government must be a partner, not a barrier in people's lives. Whether you want to start a business, apply for the Supplemental Nutritional Assistance Program (SNAP), renew your driver's license, or apply for a permit through DEM, interaction with state government should be positive, predictable, transparent, and affordable. No laws must be enacted, no budgets passed in order to improve public confidence in the ethical and predictable actions of state government -- it simply takes leadership from the governor to make it a priority.

As Governor, Clay Pell will:
Improve the transparency of state agencies

Require code of ethics training for all state employees

Improve customer service in state agencies

Champion more transparency of the budget process

Connect with constituents more regularly

Encourage flexibility to achieve regulatory compliance

Reform regulatory enforcement
