Bill Johnson: "The Threat that ISIS poses to America is Very Real"


Date: Sept. 10, 2014
Location: Washington, DC

Rep. Bill Johnson (R-Marietta) issued the following statement after hearing President Obama lay out his case to the American people for engaging, and destroying ISIS:

"As a former senior officer on staff at U.S. Special Operations Command Headquarters, I firmly believe the threat that ISIS poses to America is very real. They're ultra-violent, well-funded, and have made their intentions to kill Americans very clear.

"The spread of radicalized Islam is a global epidemic that is resulting in geopolitical instability and breathtaking brutality. Groups like ISIS that spread this poison and threaten America must be confronted and destroyed. I was encouraged to hear President Obama finally acknowledge the gravity of the ISIS threat, and tell the world that America will lead a coalition to eliminate ISIS. However, the President indicated that he will be placing a significant amount of stock in the ability of the Iraqi Security Forces and the Syrian opposition to fight ISIS on the ground. The capabilities of these forces are open to question, as is the timeline it would take these forces to overtake ISIS -- even with the help of American airpower.

"ISIS has made it crystal clear that they are preparing to fight us, and the longer we wait to use overwhelming force, the more difficult our challenge becomes. Action must be taken quickly and decisively. America was waiting for President Obama to demonstrate leadership on this issue. While overdue, tonight was a positive first step, and knowing the danger of the threat we face, I stand willing to work with the President and those dedicated to eliminating ISIS."
