Issue Position: My Road Map to Economic Prosperity

Issue Position

My Road Map to Economic Prosperity

economyFor far too long, the federal government has been on a binge of spending, taxing, and borrowing. Bloated and vastly overextended, its unsustainable promises now feed escalating debts that will cripple our economy, undermine our prosperity, and lead to fiscal insolvency.

We must ensure that we do everything in our power to keep the American dream alive. It is important to remember that the success of our economy does not stem from Washington or Wall Street. It comes from Main Street. It relies on the hard work, dedication, endurance, and innovation of hard working Americans. It relies on the risk and ingenuity that is uniquely American.

My Road Map to Economic Prosperity is a common-sense solution to today's economic stresses:

1. Create Jobs;

2. Enact Pro-Growth Tax Provisions;

3. Reduce Federal Spending and the Debt; and

4. End Energy Dependence.

Create Jobs

Our government's duty is to understand and respect everything that small business people across this great nation make possible. Small businesses are the economic engines for tomorrow's prosperity. They are not, nor should they ever be, the targets for taxation and regulation. Washington must always strive to free America's entrepreneurial spirit, fight to keep our markets open and competitive, and reduce and eliminate stifling taxes and burdensome regulations.

Here is what I have done or support to grow our economy and create jobs:

· Reduce taxes on job creation through individual and corporate tax reform;

· Stop the increases in regulation that are tangling job creators in red tape;

· Protect workers and businesses from strong-arm labor union tactics; and

· Dismantle, defund, and repeal ObamaCare and replace it with real health care reform that controls costs and improves care.

Enact Pro-Growth Tax Provisions

Congress must pass pro-growth solutions such as advancing a simpler, fairer tax code and ensuring that we do not increase taxes on hard working Americans during a difficult recession and economic recovery.

Here is what I have done or support to enact pro-growth tax provisions:

· Prevented massive tax increases from hitting every family and small business in the county;

· Sponsored FairTax legislation because our antiquated and complex tax code stifles economic growth and job creation; and

· Support lowering rates, closing loopholes, and putting hardworking taxpayers ahead of special interests.

Reduce Federal Spending and the Debt

The debt was $10.626 trillion on the day Obama took office. The latest calculation from Treasury shows the debt has crossed the $17 trillion mark. The national debt increased $4.9 trillion during the eight-year presidency of George W. Bush. The debt has far surpassed that amount during Obama's four-year term. It is time that Washington learns to live within its means, like every American must do. That starts with passing an annual budget, holding the line on spending, and returning America to a trajectory of fiscal responsibility.

Here is what I have done or support to assist us in getting America's fiscal house back in order:

· Supported a Balanced Budget Amendment to the U.S. Constitution;

· Helped author and usher through Congress legislation that cut total domestic discretionary spending two years in a row for the first time since World War II. These actions reduced spending $95 billion from FY10 to FY12;

· Ensured that no earmarks were included in any appropriations bill; and

· Supported the following key provisions:

o Significantly reduced funding for EPA, bringing staffing level to its lowest since 1998;

o Enacted three Second Amendment riders into permanent law;

o All pro-life riders carried in FY06 were re-enacted, UNFPA and Title X funding were reduced, and we provided the first money for abstinence-only education in six years;

o Zeroed out funding for new IRS agents to implement ObamaCare; and

o Increased defense spending despite Administration and Senate efforts to decrease funding for our troops.

End Energy Dependence

Today, over 80 percent of world petroleum reserves are state-owned and controlled by countries that have the power to manipulate supply and price with impunity - a fact goes directly to the heart of energy security.

Energy independence means energy security (supply and price stability). This objective that can be achieved through the development of alternative transportation fuels and multi-fuel vehicles (including electric), which would give consumers an opportunity to choose a non-petroleum fuel at the pump.

Here is what I have done or support to make America energy independent:

· Increase access to domestic energy resources;

· Streamline permitting for exploration and development;

· Eliminate regulations destroying the coal industry; and

· Voted for the Keystone XL pipeline.
