Issue Position: Political Reform Agenda

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 1, 2014

Stop Political Corruption, Increase Congressional Accountability

1. Enact a public elections financing system for candidates voluntarily opting out of the current private money system. Allow voters to use a portion of their own taxes to fund the campaigns of their choice. Each two years, every citizen 18 years and older is given a $50 tax rebate check assignable to and spendable only by candidates for Congress or President. *

2. Require all campaign contributions and expenditures of all types and to all entities engaged in electioneering and lobbying to be reported in realtime in an easily searchable public database.

3. Ban solicitation or receipt of campaign, PAC, or leadership PAC contributions by members while Congress is in session. Ban solicitation or receipt of campaign contributions by members or candidates from lobbyists or government contractors. Ban spouses, children, parents, and near-relatives of Congresspersons as registered lobbyists.

4. Enact a constitutional amendment limiting members of Congress to terms of not greater than twelve years. I pledge to serve no more than two terms, if elected to the US Senate.

5. Enact a constitutional balanced budget amendment or, better, a constitutional gross federal debt ceiling, with waivers during times of declared national disaster or war.

6. As provided for under Article V of the US Constitution, I support a convention called for by the legislatures at least 34 states to propose amendments to the Constitution for subsequent ratification by the legislatures of at least 38 states. This never-used amending process is the single means to bypass a reluctant and excessively self-interested Congress in enacting needed reform. The 38-state ratification threshold is sufficient to block proposed amendments harmful to liberty.

7. Members of Congress should adhere equally to all laws applying to the public.;

8. Establish and enforce rules of procedure so that the full text of legislation and amendments to be considered by the full Senate is available to members and to the public for review, other than for emergencies, seven days before Senate floor vote.

9. Over the period ending June 1, 2014, I will participate in and will respond to unfiltered questions at no fewer than five public meetings or debates noticed in advance and open to the general public. I challenge Jeanne Shaheen to do same. To improve connection with New Hampshire constituents, as Senator, I will host and participate in teleconferences, Twitter live chats, Google hangouts, and Facebook town halls.

10. If elected, after my time in office, I pledge not to accept any position lobbying for or against legislation in Washington.

* Candidates eligible to receive citizen rebate contributions must first establish credibility by having raised a threshold sum of private money in small dollar contributions from persons eligible to vote for the participating candidate. This public system will reduce the cost of government and will more than pay for itself by reducing the wasteful spending, corporate welfare, and special interest tax subsidies now given in trade for private money campaign contributions.
