Letter to Barack Obama, President of the United States - Passport Revocation for Known ISIS Terrorists


Date: Sept. 5, 2014
Location: Washington, DC

Dear Mr. President,

Since late 2013, the world has watched the terrorist group commonly known as ISIS, the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria, grow in size and strength, sweeping through huge swaths of Iraq and Syria, killing all who do not conform to their interpretation of Islam. Not only has ISIS been recruiting disenchanted Sunni Muslims throughout the region, but as press reports have indicated, there is evidence that American citizens have flown to the Middle East to join the ranks of this barbaric organization.

ISIS presents a grave threat to our allies in the region. Furthermore, the kidnapping and brutal executions of U.S. citizens, including journalists James Foley and Steven Sotloff, are clear indications that ISIS is an ever-growing threat to the United States, as well. To counter this threat, I strongly urge you to use the authorities in 22 CFR 51.60(c)(4) and 51.62 to immediately revoke the passports of U.S. citizens who have turned their back on America and her values by joining the ranks of these barbaric terrorists.

Knowing that ISIS seeks to strike us on American shores, it is likely that they will use radicalized American citizens who possess passports that grant them more freedom of movement around the globe and the coveted ability to re-enter the United States. By swearing allegiance to a foreign terrorist organization, these citizens should, at the very least, lose their right to return to the U.S. or travel under the protection of her flag.

The threat posed by ISIS is real. We must confront and destroy ISIS in-theater and not allow it to come to the American homeland. Revoking the passports of U.S. citizens allying themselves with foreign terrorists is one simple step that can be taken to deny them access to our nation, while increasing our domestic security. By restricting those who would join a brutal terrorist organization and seek to murder innocents who do not agree with their ideology of hate, the United States would be making a powerful statement in defense of tolerance and justice worldwide, while assuming the leadership role so desperately needed in our world today.


Matt Salmon
Member of Congress
