Perdue: America's Heroes & Military Families Deserve Better

Press Release

Date: Sept. 2, 2014
Location: Atlanta, GA

Republican candidate for U.S. Senate, David Perdue, today released the following statement regarding the New York Times' report highlighting high rates of complications and underperforming results at military hospitals in Georgia:

"Too often, Washington's bureaucratic systems fail the people who need them most. The New York Times' report about Georgia's military hospitals underperforming is shameful. Veterans facing extreme delays at VA facilities and patients exposed to risk at military hospitals only underscore the need for greater accountability and transparency. Our service men and women and their families deserve the best care possible. Instead of deferring to President Obama's judgment, as my opponent suggested, I believe we must hold Washington bureaucrats accountable when they fail to meet their promises, especially those made to America's heroes and Georgia's military families who have already sacrificed so much."
