Statement of Congresswoman Carolyn McCarthy on James Brady


Date: Aug. 5, 2014
Issues: Guns

"I was greatly saddened to hear of James Brady's passing. Jim Brady spent the last 33 years of his life working to ensure that no one would have to go through what he did following his nearly-fatal gunshot wound during the assassination attempt on President Reagan. Jim did not ask you to be sorry for him -- he asked you to work with him to enact common sense gun laws and regulations. I was proud to work with the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence on background check laws and many other issues related to keeping America safe from gun violence.

My deepest condolences go out to Sarah Brady and all members of the Brady family over this loss. Jim Brady did not choose his role in life, or his place in history. However, he embraced the challenge thrust upon him as a leading advocate for the prevention of gun violence and he worked with courage and grace to make this a safer country. Jim had a great sense of humor and used that humor to put people around him at ease. Anyone who met Jim knew how dedicated he was. I first met Jim in late 1993 after my husband was shot and killed, and my son wounded, in the Long Island Railroad shooting. He and Sarah gave me hope that I could go on and I could be a voice for preventing gun violence. He will be greatly missed. I know that Sarah Brady and many others will continue this important work in Jim's name."
