Heck Issues Statements on House Border Votes


Date: Aug. 3, 2014
Location: Washington, DC

Congressman Joe Heck (NV-03) tonight released the following statements after House votes to address the crisis at the southern border.

On H.R. 5230, making supplemental appropriations to address the crisis at the southern border:

"This bill provides the funding and policy changes necessary to humanely address the crisis at our southern border." -- Congressman Joe Heck

On H.R. 5272, to prohibit certain actions with respect to deferred action for aliens not lawfully present in the United States:

"While I do not agree with the President going around Congress to implement DACA, I cannot in good conscience vote to close the door on those individuals who have been given the opportunity to make a life for themselves in the only country they have ever known." -- Congressman Joe Heck
