Issue Position: Mission-Platform-Policy Statements

Issue Position

The Mission: To breach the sound barriers of the media-blot-out of all VOICES speaking Political Truth to Power: those who have the audacity to stand up, speak out, and challenge the greed infested, corrupt political-mentality guiding the Memphis ruling-power-structure: an (unspoken) economic and political system dominating and exploiting inner-city residents, allied with a supporting cast of second-class house negro preachers and political leaders. Together, they have created a closed and corrupt two-tier economic and political caste industry: a system of plantation politics imposed on the poor, misinformed, and misled African-American underclass through the black-tribalism-syndrome of HNIC (head N-word in charge) leadership. A sophisticated (dumb and stupid) Jim Crow leadership put in place during the corrupt, machine-politics-era of Harold Ford, SR. This has resulted in dividing the black vote, buying and selling it, and in many instances, outright stealing it every election cycle, for the benefit of a few plantation masters and their petty-black-bourgeoisie-minions. This is a betrayal of the people; an insult to the social economic education and political devastation of the overwhelming African-American voting community in the 9th Congressional District.

Running to address this, the most critical issue facing the 9th District, my campaign seeks to break the political backbone of this plantation master/house negro rule system of back-of-the-bus politics over the black community by -- for the first time in the history of Memphis politics -- defeating that system with Democracy; and by putting the power of the 9th Congressional District in the hands of the People -- where it belongs!

Democracy, true participatory democracy -- and certainly the most important aspect of democracy -- is that the will of the people, from VOICES representing the people's-WILL, be heard. In Memphis, on the contrary, the VOICE of the people has been silenced, ignored, and repressed by plantation master/house negro rule politics played over the heads of the masses of the people. My campaign, coming from the ground up with the people, has carefully weighed this unequal and unjust equation in the balance, and found it wanting. Hence, I will challenge all contenders for the 9th Congressional District to a series of unfiltered, uncensored, uncontrolled by-the-system "community Debates;" and, on the campaign trail, I will demand that they publicly declare themselves before the people on that unequal and unjust equation that VOTERS may see the big picture of the 2014 campaign for what it is: just another round of re-cycled, self-serving, career-seeking political puppets and prostitutes, lined up -- and willingly bent over -- to do the bidding of special interest lobbies, corporate dictators, and the eternal will of the Wall Street big money 1% -- at the expense of the 99% masses of the people. It has for too long been that way. The mission of my campaign is to change it. We all know that those who take masters' money, also take master's orders. While the people are told -- in response to their petitions, appeals, and supplications for relief -- to be damned!! From this economic yoke of political bondage, the masses of the people in Memphis want real change. Thus:

I stand on My Platform for Social/political Change in the 9th Congressional District.

As U. S. Congressman, I will demand that 50% of all Federal funds and tax dollars coming to Memphis for building/construction, business development, investment capital, contract bids, community development, and job creation projects, will accrue to, and be geared toward, the social and economic development of the Memphis Inner-City Community and its residents.

As U. S. Congressman, I will seek to introduce legislation for a multi-billion dollar "Marshall Plan" of "domestic aid" for the eradication and Reconstruction of the long-standing, systemically-entrenched, social and economic infrastructure of crime-breeding-poverty and education Mal-practice imposed on the poor and wretched of the Memphis Inner-City Community through conscious and purpose-driven, willful political neglect and indifference. Foreign aid for the social welfare, development and upkeep, of a foreign country and its people should not -- and must not -- take precedence over the need for domestic aid for the social welfare, education advancement, economic development, and upkeep of "our own people."

As U. S. Congressman, I will hold Congressional Hearings on complaints and grievances against the Memphis-Shelby County criminal justice system, pursuant to calling for the establishment of a National Criminal Justice Review Commission with subpoena power: to monitor, review cases and incidents of UN-Constitutional court proceedings; contempt of court abuse and other judicial improprieties; denials of due process and jury trials for the poor; violations of the rights of the accused; inadequate counsel for the indigent (the poor); incidents of illegal and unlawful police brutality and killings; misconduct and behavior unbecoming judges, grand juries, prosecutors, public defenders, lawyers, and other officers of the Law and the Courts.

1. As U. S. Congressman, I will call for an end to the repression of Reparations Bill HR40 (which has been in committee since the 1980s), and fight to bring it to the floor of the House for debate and a vote.

2. As U. S. Congressman, I will continue to join with the people of the 9th District who are NOW demanding that MLGW end any, and all, lead poison in its drinking water; and make Memphis a lead-free zone.

3. As U. S. Congressman, I will fight for an all-states, uniform bill to expedite the restoration of citizenship -- and especially the right to vote -- to those who have paid their debt to society and wish to secure gainful employment and careers, in order to live an un-stigmatized and productive life as a full U.S. citizen.

4. As U. S. Congressman, I will introduce legislation to withdraw all tax dollars, and financial support, from the upkeep and maintenance of parks, statues, monuments, signs and symbols, programs and activities, of all UN-American race-hate terrorists, terrorist organizations, and those who have committed treason by attacking and attempting to overthrow the U. S. Government by force and violence.

5. As U.S. Congressman, I will call for federal funds to improve MATA bus services throughout the 9th Congressional District -- including heating/air schedules/routes -- to address the transportation needs of poor people, the elderly, and low-wage working citizens, who have no other means of transportation but the bus.

6. As U.S. Congressman, I will work for Immigration Reform; for an even-handed and equitable policy on how many, on what basis, and under what conditions, foreign citizens may enter the USA.

7. As U.S. Congressman, I will fight to end the sending of so-called "foreign aid" to purchase guns and bombs to simply install, prop up, and support dictators and tyrants as allies, who rule over governments and states that repress, oppress, make war against, and are destructive of the general welfare of "their own people." Rather, USA foreign aid should be made directly-available to the people of a country for educational (building schools), health and critical human services that uplift the broad masses of the people in dire need rather than maintaining and sustaining a clique of a well-armed, self-serving regime.

8. As U.S. Congressman, I will fight for, and stand with, the working man and woman in their democratic right to organize, unionize; and to restore respect, dignity, and the power of the worker to the worker.

These are not, I repeat, not empty promises from campaign signs and slogans, but the hard cold reality of the social destruction and devastating Truth of the 9th Congressional District, and what will be required to bring the economic wealth and political power of the 9th District back home for the health of the people of the 9th Congressional District. Processes to reach these goals are already in motion.
