Engel to Obama: Pust to Stop Sale of French Warships to Russia


Date: July 24, 2014
Location: Washington, DC

Representative Eliot L. Engel, the leading Democrat on the House Committee on Foreign Affairs, today urged President Obama to lead an international effort to stop the planned sale of two French-built Mistral-class amphibious warships to Russia. In a letter to the President, Rep. Engel underscored the importance of keeping these advanced ships out of Russian hands at a time when Russia continues to arm and train the rebels responsible for shooting down Malaysia Airlines Flight 17, suggesting that NATO buy or lease the ships.

"We've seen the consequences of thugs getting their hands on advanced weaponry, and the last thing we need is our allies helping bolster Russian military strength," said Rep. Engel. "I hope President Obama will work with our allies and partners to put a stop to this sale. NATO buying or leasing the ships would be a win-win-win: a win for NATO, a win for France, and a win by keeping the powerful ships out of Russian hands."
