Larry Smith Asserts Obama's Affection for Fences and Security in DC, but Not Texas

Press Release

Date: July 22, 2014

Larry Smith, Congressional candidate for Texas District 34, which borders Mexico, calls out President Obama on his blatant hypocrisy regarding the border crisis.

Smith said in a statement: "President Obama enjoys golfing at fenced, private country clubs which absolutely do not allow non-members, but our borders remain unsecure and non-citizens stream in at an alarming rate. Is President Obama a hypocrite? Without question."

"Last year, a young mother with a one-year-old child tried to breach the barrier at the White House. Miriam Carey was shot by capitol police and died. President Obama has no problem with guards who use guns to protect the border fence around his yard, but he couldn't care less for the security of others' property or the security of our nation's borders."

"It was only last fall that National Park Service workers erected barricades at the World War II Memorial at the direction of the Obama Administration. These barricades even earned the nickname 'Barry-cades,' named after the president himself. No one can say that President Obama doesn't like a good fence, but apparently only when it serves his purpose."

"I realize that the irony of this 'Fences for me but not for thee' approach is lost on our president, but the rest of us will not forget that nearly everything that happens at the White House is draped in hypocrisy."

"An unsecure border is not a safe border - not for children from foreign countries and not for US citizens. President Obama certainly has no problem with using barriers, guards, guns, and fences to guarantee his own safety."

"Sadly, Democrats such as Filemon Vela feel that they must side with the president's failed border policy and they rush to criticize Texas Governor Rick Perry for sending Texas National Guard troops to secure the border. In a press release, Vela said that the border is 'relatively safe' and needs no additional protection. When dead children are found floating in the Rio Grande during this border surge, such a statement not only defies reality but compassion as well."

"It's time to put party politics aside and recognize that allowing gang members into the United States is not good for the Rio Grande Valley, Texas, or the United States."

"Voters are tired of politicians who insist that they can live by a different set of rules than the rest of us. Those who live and work on our borders deserve that same level of personal safety as those who live and work in Washington DC."

Larry Smith is a veteran running for US Congressional District 34 in Texas.
