Issue Position: Education

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 1, 2014
Issues: Education

Empowering the Local Community

Washington bureaucrats and Oklahoma City legislators may have good intentions; but they don't understand our local communities and the unique challenges we face. Scott Biggs will work to return control of our school to the parents, teachers and administrators who know they students by name.

Better Teacher Compensation

Too many teachers receive excellent training in Oklahoma and them promptly leave the state in search of higher pay. Scott Biggs wants to retain and attract excellent teachers by raising teacher pay and creating a system that fairly rewards exceptional teaching. Scott also favors incentives to attract more teachers in the critical subjects of math and science.

A Commitment to Wide Resource Management

Scott Biggs wants education dollars, which make up nearly half of the state budget, to be spent more efficiently. He will encourage schools districts to lower administrative costs so more money will go to the classroom for better technology and resources. He also supports strict budget accountability so wasteful spending can be identified and eliminated.

High Standards for Oklahoma Students

Scott knows that when we challenge our students, they will achieve more. He supports rigorous academic standards that adequately prepare our high school seniors, lowering the number of college freshmen requiring remediation in core subjects.
