Newsletter: Protecting Women When They Need It Most


Date: July 22, 2014

Dear Friend,

Did you know that three times as many women are murdered by guns used by their intimate partners than by a stranger using any type of weapon?

And unmarried women are at increasing risk: dating partners were responsible for 35 percent of intimate partner homicides committed between 1976 and 2005, but the share of intimate partner homicide committed each year by current dating partners has been on the rise.

Moreover, the most dangerous time for a woman in an abusive relationship is the immediate hours following her actions to leave the abuser. That is why 17 states have passed laws prohibiting abusers subject to all restraining orders from possessing a gun. The impact is impressive. These states have seen a 19 percent drop in overall intimate partner homicides according to researchers at Johns Hopkins University.

California has already closed these loopholes at the state-level, but women in other states are still at risk.

That's why I authored the Protecting Domestic Violence and Stalking Victims Act, which would close specific loopholes that currently exist in federal law that keep women at risk for increased gun violence at the hands of their abuser. The bill would:

Apply current federal firearm restrictions that exist for abusive spouses to abusive dating partners;
Ensure that abusers under any domestic violence restraining order--permanent or temporary--are subject to the same life-saving firearm restrictions; and
Include convicted stalkers under the same firearm rules that exist for convicted domestic violence abusers.
You can learn more about my bill here or you can read the bill here.

We know that common sense, evidence based solutions can reduce instances of domestic violence homicides. I'd love to hear your thoughts on this bill, and how we can work together to improve the safety of those who are most vulnerable in our communities. Please stay in touch with me by reaching out to one of my offices or sending me an email. You can also stay in touch by liking my Facebook page or following me on Twitter.


Lois Capps
