Issue Position: General

Issue Position

As your state representative…

- I will adhere to the oath of my office. I will defend your individual rights such as free speech, property rights, the right to bear arms, and our right to privacy as protected under the NH and US Constitutions.

- I will work to ensure that laws enacted in Washington that violate the U.S. Constitution, are not welcomed in New Hampshire.

- I will work to promote and protect local control of education. Parents and taxpayers, in collaboration with their local school officials, should decide how to provide the best education for our students.

- I will work to keep government small by keeping taxes and spending low. I will support lowering the tax burden on NH businesses in order to create more jobs, and a stronger economy for our state.

- I believe that protecting life is fundamental to protecting our Liberty. It is my firm belief that we must protect the life of the unborn.

- I believe that every one of us has the right to pursue our own happiness as long as we do not infringe on the fundamental constitutional rights of others.
