Sen. McCain on Putin's Blame for MH17 Attack


Date: July 21, 2014
Location: Washington, DC
Issues: Foreign Affairs

U.S. Senator John McCain (R-AZ) today released the following statement on President Obama's remarks on responding to the tragic shoot-down of Malaysian Airlines Flight 17:

"Investigating the crash site of Malaysian Airlines Flight 17 is vitally important, but we should not let it distract from the highest priority right now: Supporting Ukraine in securing their country and imposing severe pressure on Russia for its responsibility for this heinous tragedy.

"We already know the main facts. We know that the plane was shot down over separatist-controlled territory, that Russian citizens are increasingly leading separatist groups in that part of Ukraine, that Russia has supplied them with sophisticated surface-to-air missiles and other heavy weapons, that the Russian-led separatists have shot down four Ukrainian aircraft in recent weeks, and that the missile system used against MH17 requires significant military skill to operate. In short, MH17 would never have been shot down were it not for President Putin's knowing and willing efforts to provoke violent instability in Ukraine. Examining the plane's black box and wreckage may contribute to that conclusion, but not change it. We have all the information we need to take action right now.

"Now is the time to provide Ukraine with the weapons and other military assistance they have requested and require to defeat the separatist groups and secure their country -- assistance that, had we provided it earlier, might have enabled Ukrainian forces to succeed in this effort by now and thereby prevented last week's tragedy. We also need to impose crushing sanctions on Russia -- with our European allies if possible, but without them if necessary.

"This is not the time for business as usual. What is needed more than ever now is American leadership."
