Issue Position: Jobs and the Economy

Issue Position

I grew up working class, and I understand the importance of good jobs and a strong economy. Republicans in Washington brought our economy to the brink of collapse, and the recovery has favored the largest corporations at the expense of our local communities. It's time to focus government investment on our local economies again. The role of government is to facilitate, not stifle, entrepreneurship and economic growth. I'm proud to be endorsed by the Maine AFL-CIO, AFSCME Council 93 and many more labor organizations that care deeply about the future of working people in our state and our country.

Creating Jobs and Investing in the Future

We can create jobs and build a foundation for our long-term economic security by investing in infrastructure. Transportation is key for the growth of healthy business, and to that end, we need to invest in roads, bridges, rail and a modern public transportation system. We also need to invest in technology infrastructure to build our future economy. A lack of Internet and cell phone access impedes economic growth in our rural communities. We should have high-speed broadband Internet access in every corner of this country, and I will make that a top priority as Maine's next Senator.
We should also invest in renewable energy -- in solar, properly sited wind, tidal, geothermal, biodiesel and biomass -- to reduce our domestic energy costs, confront climate change and create good-paying jobs. A modern transportation system, statewide Internet access, and a focus on the technologies and jobs of the future will mean a stable economy and a higher quality of life all over the state.

Helping Small Businesses

Investing in infrastructure creates the foundation for a strong economy, but we also need to support entrepreneurs and business owners. As Senator, I will advance access to capital for small and micro businesses to promote the next generation of entrepreneurs. Small businesses comprise 60% of Maine's jobs, but too often, it is difficult or impossible for small business owners to access the capital they need to start up. I worked in microlending and small business development as a Peace Corps volunteer in Panama, and I will advocate for policies that make it easier for small businesses to get started and thrive in our communities. Our economic policies should allow for local flexibility and encourage microfinance initiatives, not just reward huge corporations for being huge.
Tax Fairness

We need to restore tax and regulatory fairness to our financial system. Current regulations and our tax structure serve as monopoly protection, benefiting the largest corporations at the expense of small businesses in our local communities. Large corporations often pay zero taxes while small businesses pay as much as 35%. That's the opposite of a level playing field. If we're going to have a real economic recovery, we have to stop sending money to Wall Street at Main Street's expense. It's time for overdue financial reforms, including a 21st-century Glass-Steagall Act to make sure banks help communities again instead of gambling with their money. I will not be afraid to stand up to powerful corporate interests on behalf of working Mainers, and I'll be a strong advocate for tax fairness in the United States Senate.

Fair Pay for Hard Work

People who work full time should be able to provide for their families. I support a nationwide minimum wage increase to $10.10 an hour -- a common-sense proposal that Republican Susan Collins joined with other Republicans to filibuster in April. Her vote against the minimum wage harmed approximately 96,000 Mainers who would have benefited from the increase. The positive economic multiplier effect of raising the minimum wage is significant. Money in the pockets of working class Mainers goes directly back into the economy as workers buy food and clothing for their families. It's the right thing to do, and it will grow our local economies.

Working people deserve a strong voice in Washington, and I will always be an ally to workers. I support the right to organize including collective bargaining. I oppose right-to-work-for-less legislation.

Fair Trade, Not Corporate Giveaways

Too many jobs have been shipped overseas in the last two decades. We have witnessed firsthand the damage wrought to our manufacturing sector by bad trade deals like NAFTA. That's why I oppose the Trans-Pacific Partnership and fast-track authority for trade agreements. We are increasingly interconnected in a global economy. International trade is important to Maine's economy, but international trade agreements must be fair trade agreements -- protecting workers' rights at home and abroad, protecting the environment for future generations and protecting consumer safety.

Some politicians like to think of the economy as just another issue. For me, the economy is every issue. Better economic policies in Washington can make the difference when you want to get an affordable education, pay your bills, start a family, get the job you want and retire on your own schedule. Investing in Maine's economy can make those things possible for every Mainer, and that's what I'm going to do from the first day I'm in Washington.
