Letter to John H. Korn, Rear Admiral of the US Coast Guard - Murphy Meets with Coast Guard on AAF, Calls for Local Hearings on Project's Maritime Impact


Date: July 15, 2014
Location: Washington, DC
Issues: Transportation

Dear Rear Admiral Korn:

Thank you for meeting with me last week to discuss my constituents' concerns about the proposed All Aboard Florida (AAF) passenger rail project and the impact it could have on marine navigation in our communities. As we discussed, AAF plans to run 32 additional trains every day through the Palm Beaches and the Treasure Coast. These trains would cross our rivers via draw bridges that are almost a century old. Such frequent closures stand to create major problems on the water backing up recreational boats, harming marine businesses, and delaying emergency vehicles.

So that AAF's potentially disastrous effects to our maritime community can be better understood, I urge the United States Coast Guard to hold hearings with stakeholders who stand to be impacted by frequent closures of these bridges. It is imperative that business owners, boaters, and emergency personnel have their concerns heard so that the Coast Guard may evaluate how best to ensure the continued navigability of our waterways. I will personally offer the full weight and support of my office to facilitate these meetings throughout the region.

Thank you again for meeting with me. I look forward to working with you to address the concerns of my constituents throughout the Palm Beaches and the Treasure Coast.
