Issue Position: "The Pursuit Of Happiness"

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 1, 2014

Nate is committed to the precept that any American who works well and hard in a job which contributes to society should be able to enjoy the comforts of American life. Nate believes that the foundation for a good-paying, satisfying career is Education.

In order to create the most opportunities for Americans entering the workforce as well as ensure that the American workforce is ready to compete in and lead the 21st Century global economy, students and young professionals must have the resources to prepare them for the jobs of the 21st Century. Nate will make it a priority to expand college access and affordability to more Americans, especially those from disproportionately underserved communities. There are several methods of doing this which Nate will explore and discuss throughout the campaign including restructuring the American Opportunity Tax Credit and keeping federal student loan interest rates at fair and manageable levels. In order to ensure that federal dollars loaned out to students as investments in the future economy of the United States are best protected, students accepting federal assistance should be provided with information on how to plan and manage their finances and debt obligations while they are still enrolled in school.

Nate understands that a traditional college education is not for everyone and that there are a growing number of career opportunities for non-college graduates to earn a good living doing important work. In order to ensure that Americans are able to take advantage of the opportunities available in a changing, modernizing economy, Nate supports increased access to job training and retraining programs. These programs range from making trade and technical schools more important to more innovative, internet-based approaches which will reduce the financial costs and time commitments which prohibit too many struggling Americans from entering existing training programs.
