Let This House Work Its Will

Floor Speech

Mr. HIMES. Mr. Speaker, like so many of us, I was home last week, listening to my constituents talk and be concerned about dysfunction, and I discovered that there is a great deal of confusion about what dysfunction is.

My friend from the other side of the aisle just said they have sent all kinds of bills over to the Senate where they are held up--held up in the Senate. This is not dysfunction.

It may not be happy for my friends on the other side of the aisle, but the Senate is held by the Democrats. If you send them legislation that is inspired by the Tea Party, they are not going to pass that. That is not dysfunction. That is a refusal to govern.

Meanwhile, Mr. Speaker, over here, there are five bills, and if they were brought to the floor today, they would pass with significant majorities. Each and every one of them would help the economy and create jobs.

The reauthorization of the Ex-Im Bank, comprehensive immigration reform, topping up the highway trust fund, extending unemployment insurance, and terrorism risk insurance are five bills that we could pass today.

The American people need to understand, as they think about dysfunction, that those bills will not be brought up. This House will not work its will. It will not be allowed to work its will.

Mr. Speaker, let this House work its will.
