Issue Position: Affordable Health Care

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 1, 2014

Affordable Health Care

Like most in the 12th District, I want my tax dollars to be spent wisely and efficiently. I also am bothered by the fact that not all working families have access to affordable healthcare. Under the Affordable Care Act, the federal government offered North Carolina funds (a tax refund essentially) to expand enrollment in the state's Medicaid program. The current Senator from District 12 co-sponsored the bill (Senate Bill 4), that was later adopted as law, preventing us from accepting those federal dollars. As a result, an estimated 500,000 North Carolinian's remain uninsured. As Senator, I will work to see that our state accepts those funds so that those 500,000 citizens will be able to have the routine physicals and cancer screenings so many of us take for granted.
