Salmon-Polis Bill on Competency-Based Learning Passes Committee


Date: July 10, 2014
Location: Washington, DC

Today, the House Committee on Education and the Workforce passed the Advancing Competency-Based Education Demonstration Project Act, sponsored by Representatives Matt Salmon (AZ-05) and Jared Polis (CO-02), by voice vote. The bill would increase access and affordability in higher education by allowing institutions the flexibility to provide a degree that is based on a student's knowledge and skills instead of seat time.

"Our universities need to be allowed the freedom to discover new and innovative solutions to educate the next generation of leaders," said Rep. Salmon, "Everyone agrees that this bipartisan legislation is a step in the right direction and allows students to enter the job market based on what they know instead of how long they have studied."

"By allowing colleges and universities to waive certain regulations in a controlled way, we can encourage innovation while still maintaining strong protections for students," said Rep. Polis. "I urge the Leadership to bring this bipartisan legislation to the floor for a vote, so that we can study the opportunities competency-based education presents to cater to the needs of adult learners and other contemporary students."

Currently, institutions of higher education must adhere to rigid structures, based on the Carnegie unit, or credit hour, which limit the schedules on which students can enroll and when students can receive financial aid. Competency-based education is a crucial tool to speed up to completion, making higher education more affordable for students who need flexibility to achieve their dream of a postsecondary credential.
